The Veterans in Higher Education Affinity Group
Information on governmental and institutional policies and best practices aimed at supporting student veterans
Information on supporting student veterans through academic advising, prior learning assessment, and vet-centered programming
Information on military and veteran culture, transitioning from the military to higher education, and strategies for student veteran development
Announcements & Upcoming Meetings
Upcoming: Oct. 12, 2021 Fall VHEAG Virtual Meeting
This mini-symposium will provide an fantastic opportunity for you, veteran-serving staff, and student veterans to engage in a great time of learning and discussion.
Our meeting agenda includes:
A briefing from Blue Star Families' Chicago Director, Ben Gould. Ben will share strategies for leveraging Blue Star Families' community-based opportunities and resources to support student veterans on your campus. He will also brief us on findings from their "2019 Military Family Lifestyle Survey," examining the needs of transitioning active duty, guard and reserve members as well as the disruptive impact COVID-19 has had on military families in our region.
An interactive workshop and facilitated discussion presented by PsychArmor Institute's, Dr. Heide Squire Kraft. Many Post-9/11 veterans and military-connected students are struggling to reconcile their service and sacrifice with the events surrounding America's withdrawal from Afghanistan. Fostering a sense of community and facilitating productive conversation across our campuses is more important than ever. Dr. Kraft will lead us through a time of learning and conversation as we collectively develop strategies aimed at informing and equipping student veterans and campus partners for these discussions.
A lunchtime roundtable chat, where we'll discuss priorities for this academic year, challenges and barriers VHEAG members are facing mid/post Covid, and take requests for future learning, resources, and programming.